Construction dust in planning

Whilst not every Development will require an assessment of traffic emissions, any new building that requires construction or demolition work, of any scale, has the potential to generate dust emissions that are both hazardous to health and can raise awkward amenity complaints from nearby residents.

As a result, a construction dust assessment is one of the most commonly requested air quality assessments by environmental health departments. Using widely accepted IAQM guidance, a simple desk based assessment can provide proportional and appropriate mitigation measures, easily secured by planning condition, for inclusion into a relevant Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP).

An assessment of this type can be required for any scale of Development, from planning applications for single dwellings up to Environmental Impact Assessments for complex multi-phase major Developments, and the flexibility of the guidance allows for a proportional response to each and every Development.

At Vale we have considerable experience in providing construction and demolition dust assessments across the whole of the UK, including within central London under the LLAQM guidance and for a broad range of project scales up to and including EIA developments.


Air Quality in the 2024 Election


Odour in Planning